• The average mosquito has 47 teeth.
  • Adult female mosquitoes can live up to four weeks if they have a food source, while males live less than a week.
  • Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, but rather live on plant juices and other natural liquids from plants and decomposing organic material.
  • Of all the insects that jeopardize man’s health, mosquitoes rank first.
  • West Nile Virus is the number one mosquito transmitted disease in the United States.
  • In most cases, mosquitoes must feed on an infected person in order to pass on disease. They transmit but seldom carry disease-causing pathogens.
    Mosquitoes transmit some of the worst diseases known to man, including dengue fever, malaria, encephalitis, and yellow fever.
  • Mosquitoes can transmit West Nile Virus and encephalitis, both of which are relatively uncommon.
  • When a mosquito bites, she injects an anticoagulation agent into the skin to prevent the blood from clotting and allowing her to feed. It is the body’s immune response to the anticoagulant that causes the reddened welts and itching.
  • Mosquito-borne disease is likely the number one cause of death in developing countries.
  • There were 2,700 reported cases of West Nile Virus, a mosquito-borne disease, in the United States in 2005.
  • Most mosquitoes found around homes are known as “tree hole” or “container” mosquitoes which seek out accumulated water in hollows in trees; in water-capturing plants; or in bird baths, barrels, cans, clogged gutters and old tires.
  • Mosquitoes that attack people in their own yard are usually breeding close by on the property or on adjacent properties.
  • Any water that stands for at least seven days can breed mosquitoes.
  • Among those experiencing the pest, mosquitoes are least likely to be treated by a professional.